Saturday, November 3, 2007

This was a fairly typical trip down the lane near our farm cottage. First is the view out the rear and we see a tractor on our bumper. The view out the front shows why the tractor is so close, namely the herd of cows walking down the lane for milking. You can just see the farmer herding them with his Quad. Then, a bit further down the lane we find the horse and rider blocking our way (remember we drive on the left). The road sign beyond the horse means I can now travel at 60 mph, which is crazy because the road is frequently just wide enough for one car and you just might meet a tractor or a lorry at any moment. The road hazards here are amazing and a source of never ending heart attacks. Notice the doorway of the house opens right onto the road in the horse picture. This is usual also as the roads were once walking lanes between cottages.
The final picture is from a recent trip to Grasmere in the Lake District with some Fall colors. We truly love the Lake District!

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