Hi everyone,
We are back after a month without a broadband connection. These are pictures from our latest District meeting. Natalie fixed her famous potato and cheese soup for us after our meeting.
Elder Tomita is our District Leader. He is from Japan and has mastered the language very well.
He is sitting next to Elder DiIulio who is from Italy. The other picture is of Elder Soule (blond) who is from Alaska and Elder Durkin who is from Arizona.
After eating, the Elders changed a tire for Elder Tomita and Elder Soule. They had gotten too familiar with a rock and it tore out their sidewall. It raises the question of how many Elders does it take to change a tire? Only Elder Soule, Tomita and Durkin had to clean up if that tells you anything. 
Elder Durkin and DiIulio are serving in Kendal and come over for our meeting every Tuesday. We bribed them to meet at our farmhouse by serving lunch. It is the sure way to get whatever we want.