The adventures of Elder & Sister Luke in the LDS England Manchester Mission.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Greetings from Wray and the Scare Crow Festival. Here are the school children doing their annual play about the river covering the whole town. You'll notice how gorgeous Marilyn Moncrow looks. Larry doesn't quite measure up to this guy. Here are our favorite Missionaries, Elder Fisher and Elder Colton posing with Silence of the Lambs. It was worth a trip just to see this ancient Hamlet.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
We visited a small village by the name of Wray, that has a lovely stream running through the town (except when it flooded the whole place a few years back). They have an annual festival the first week of May where everyone in the town and the surrounding villages make scarecrows and compete for prizes. We must have seen at least a hundred and fifty scarecrows. Many were very imaginative, like the spiderman, motorcyclist and yellow brick road shown here. It was very entertaining for a p-day outing.